Storytime theme: Bugs Books used: I Love Bugs! by Philemon Sturges, illustrated by Shari Halpern The perfect length for children two...

Storytime theme: Frogs Books used: Beware of the Frog by William Bee I know you've heard of a guard dog before, but what about a guard...

Silly Stories
Storytime theme: Silly stories Books used: Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business by Esphyr Slobodkina...

I'm back!
Hello dear readers! I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to update the blog in a while, but the reasons behind this are mostly good. I...

Storytime theme: Food Books used: Ugly Pie by Lisa Wheeler, illustrated by Heather Solomon I recently discovered Ugly Pie during my...

Storytime theme: Oceans and ocean creatures Books used: Following Papa's Song by Gianna Mariano Following Papa's Song follows the...

Farms and Farm Animals
Storytime theme: Farms & Farm animals Books used: This Little Chick by John Lawrence This is cute story about a little chick who explores...

Storytime theme: Spring Books used: Abracadabra, It's Spring! by Anne Sibley O'Brien, illustrated by Susan Gal This is a newer book, and...

Storytime overview
In my current position, I have the opportunity to conduct a regular weekly storytime for visiting groups of preschoolers (age range...

New beginnings!
Hi everyone and welcome to my brand new blog- BookWings! First, I think I should introduce myself. I'm Jennifer- I'm was born and raised...